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Men Infertility

Male Infertility Treatment in Ayurveda

Infertility is when a man cannot conceive after a year of intercourse without birth control because of problems with their partner’s reproductive system. Low sperm count in men may be the cause of infertility.

How could Ayurveda help with men infertility?

Panchakarma therapy, such as Virechana and Basti, are two Ayurvedic treatments for infertility. Virechana and basti can assist in restoring reproductive system balance and boost fertility. 

Ayurveda provides a comprehensive approach to boosting fertility. It is essential to cleanse your body of toxins and provide appropriate nutrients in order to ensure that your mind and body are in the best possible condition to develop.

Ayurvedic male fertility therapy also has no adverse effects. Male hormone imbalance therapy with Ayurveda offers numerous advantages over conventional therapies. This medication is quite safe and may be used for extended periods of time. It tends to fix issues without creating new ones or having negative side effects. Ayurvedic Treatment is an Effective Treatment for Infertility.

Erectile Dysfunction

Ayurvedic Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a medical disorder that causes problems obtaining and maintaining an erection during sexual activity.

Panchakarma, an Ayurvedic purification procedure that includes several types of therapies like Vajikarana may assist enhance general health and sexual performance. Vajikarana is a method of treating erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculations.

Oligospermia Treatment in Ayurveda

Oligospermia is a disorder characterized by a low sperm count, which can result in male infertility.

How Ayurveda helps in Oligospermia?

In Oligospermia, Vajikarana Therapy is indicated by Ayurveda for males to maintain maximum sexual activity and healthy sperm.


Azoospermia Treatment in Ayurveda

Azoospermia is a medical disorder that causes infertility since there is no sperm in the ejected. Hormonal imbalances, genetic flaws, infections, or underlying health conditions can all contribute to this illness.

How Ayurveda helps in Azoospermia?

Basti treatment is a Panchakarma therapy used in Ayurveda to treat Azoospermia, or the absence of sperm in sperm. The administration of medical oils or decoctions into the colon by therapeutic enema is said to balance the three doshas in the body (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) and promote reproductive health.
