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Bone & Joint Disorders

Ayurvedic Treatment For Joint Pain

A variety of medical illnesses that affect the skeletal system, including the bones, joints, and connective tissues including ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, are referred to as “bones and joint disorders.


AVN Ayurveda Treatment

Avascular Necrosis (AVN) is a medical disorder that affects the bones and joints. It happens when the blood flow to a bone is disrupted or lost, resulting in the death of bone tissue and, eventually, damage to the damaged bone and surrounding joint. AVN, also known as osteonecrosis or aseptic necrosis, most usually affects the hip joint, although it can affect other joints as well.

How Ayurveda helps in AVN?

The Ayurvedic approach to AVN therapy focuses on lowering pain, inflammation, and enhancing joint mobility. The treatment may comprise a mix of therapies such as Panchakarma (a cleansing and rejuvenation therapy), Deepana (a digestion therapy), and Rukshana (a swelling and inflammation therapy).

Ayurvedic Osteoarthritis Treatment

Osteoarthritis is a disorder that predominantly affects joint cartilage, which is in charge of cushioning the ends of bones. It is a degenerative condition that causes slow cartilage disintegration over time, resulting in discomfort, stiffness, and decreased mobility in the afflicted joint.

How Ayurveda helps in Osteoarthritis?

The osteoarthritis knee therapy in Ayurveda tries to undertake treatments such as Panchakarma therapy like Janu basti to expel gut toxins, restore digestive Agni, and make modifications to the lifestyle and food choices that cause Agni and Ama vitiation in the first place.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment Ayurveda

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that usually affects the joints but can also affect other organs and systems. It happens when the body’s immune system assaults its own healthy tissues by mistake.

How Ayurveda helps in Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Panchakarma therapy like Janu basti will help to recover from Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) .

Gout Treatment in Ayurveda

Gout is a kind of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints, producing inflammation and pain.

How Ayurveda helps in Gout?

Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatments such as Abhyanga (massage), Swedana (steam therapy), and Basti (enema) can also help with gout pain, inflammation, and joint mobility.


Spondylitis Treatment in Ayurveda

Spondylitis is an inflammatory arthritic disorder that mostly affects the spine, however it can also affect other joints and parts of the body.

How Ayurveda helps in Spondylitis?

Repetitive Panchakarma procedures, Janu basti, greeva basti along with Ayurvedic medications, are required for efficient ankylosing spondylitis therapy, since it demands more energy of the Ankylosing Spondylitis therapy in Ayurveda to balance the irritated doshas.

Osteoporosis Treatment in Ayurveda

Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes a decrease in bone density and quality, resulting in weaker bones that are more likely to break or fracture.

How Ayurveda helps in Osteoporosis?

Panchakarma procedures, Janu basti ,greeva basti ,kati basti will help in Osteoporosis. Ayurvedic medications are required for efficient results.
