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Gynecological Disorders

Gynecological Disorders Treatment in Ayurveda

Gynecological disorders is a condition that interferes with the proper operation of the female reproductive system, which includes the breasts and the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva as well as other abdominal and pelvic organs.

Uterine Fibroid Treatment in Ayurveda

A typical kind of noncancerous tumour that can develop in and on your uterus called uterine fibroids. Although not all fibroids cause symptoms, when they do, those symptoms may include painful sex, frequent urination, back pain, and heavy menstrual bleeding.

How Ayurveda helps in Uterine Fibroid?

Virechana treatment and Basti therapy are two typical Panchakarma therapies used to treat uterine fibroids. Through therapeutic purgation, Virechana treatment employs herbal medications to cleanse the digestive tract and remove toxins from the body. Basti treatment is the administration of medicinal oils or decoctions into the colon through therapeutic enema.

Uterine Fibroid
Chocolate Cyst

Chocolate Cyst Treatment in Ayurveda

Noncancerous, fluid-filled cysts called “chocolate cysts” generally develop deep into the ovaries. Their name comes from the brown, tar-like appearance that resembles melted chocolate. They are also known as endometriomas of the ovary.

How Ayurveda helps in Chocolate Cyst?

Panchakarma treatments, such as Virechana therapy and Basti therapy, can control endometriosis symptoms and relieve the discomfort caused by chocolate cysts.
